Google 3d phones in the space

English: Medium close-up view of the three bow...

Nasa plans to send Google’s 3D smartphones into space to function as the “eyes and brains” of free-flying robots inside the Space Station. The robots, known as Spheres currently have limited capabilities. It is hoped the smartphones, powered by Google’s Project Tango, will equip the robots with more functionality. Tango uses the 3D cameras embedded in Google’s latest smartphones to give the handset a human-scale understanding of space and motion. Once at the space station and attached to the Spheres, the phones will use their onboard motion-tracking cameras. Nasa envisions a future in which its spatially-aware Spheres can help astronauts with daily chores and risky tasks. The Spheres’ creators are said to have been inspired by Luke Skywalker’s training droid, from the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, although it is unlikely lasers will be fitted to the device. Read More


From BBC Tech News 8 July. Edited and condensed by Marco Gervasi for AQOS.






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